We have worked with more than 30 students to complete their university placement and thesis (undergraduate, masters or PhD) and/or collaborative research over the last 10 years.
Mara Knuesel
Population characterisation of Mobula alfredi in the Ticao-Burias Pass, Philippines
Degree: MSc
University: University of Zurich, Switzerland
Species: Manta Rays
Year: 2020
Jackie Ziegler
Whale shark tourism in the Philippines
Degree: Ph.D.
University: University of Victoria, Canada
Species: Whale shark
Year: 2019
Rebecca Rogers
A description of sounds and repeated whistle types recorded in Bohol Sea
Degree: Melon-headed whales
University: University of Plymouth, UK
Species: Green Turtle
Year: 2019
Kena Weise
Habitat use of foraging green turtles on the west coast of Apo Island, Philippines
Degree: BSc
University: Bremen University, Germany
Species: Green Turtles
Year: 2018
Rench Zeus Ramos
Redention: a proposed marine megafauna museum and impact hub with tourist alley
Degree: BSc
University: Batangas State University, Philippines
Species: N/A
Year: 2018
Irene Lucia Sanabria-Ramirez
Characterization of potential food sources in a whale shark (Rhincodon typus) aggregation, Southern Leyte, Philippines
Degree: MSc
University: ZMT, Germany
Species: Whale Sharks
Year: 2018
Jessica Micklem
Ticking the boxes but not meeting the goal? An assessment of management intervention for green turtle snorkeling tourism in Apo Island
Degree: MSc
University: Erasmus Mundus, TROPIMUNDO, Europe
Species: Green Turtle
Year: 2018
Rebekka Allgayer
Social Network Analysis in a Population of Whale Sharks (Rhincodon typus): comparing models to identify community structure
Degree: Minor
University: Imperial College London, UK
Species: Whale Sharks
Year: 2017
Dominic Clarke
Reproductive characteristics of the arrowhead dogfish Deania profundorum in the Bohol Sea
Degree: Minor
University: Royal Veterinary School, University of London, UK
Species: Deep-sea sharks
Year: 2017
Jeann Quintana Egana
Understanding the status of the population of Asian Small-clawed Otter in Puerto Princesa City, Palawan
Degree: Undergraduate Bachelor of Science
University: Western Philippines University, Philippines
Species: Asian-small clawed otter
Year: 2017
Emma Williams
Can Visual Size Estimates be Useful in Determining Life History Parameters of Whale Sharks, Rhincodon typus?
Degree: BSc
University: University of Plymouth, UK
Species: Whale Shark
Year: 2017
Daniel Hartley
Understanding the impact of tourist interactions with the whale shark, Rhincodon typus for the development of a sustainable ecotourism industry in Southern Leyte, Philippines
Degree: MSc
University; University of Southern Denmark
Species: Whale shark
Year: 2015
Verena Stuit
Preliminary observations on the possible effects of tourists’ proximity and free diving activities on the encounter duration during whale shark (Rhincodon Typus) – human interactions in Southern Leyte, Philippines.
Degree: BSc
University: Hogeschool, Netherlands
Species: Whale Shark
Year: 2013
Ahalnida M. Tambihasan, MSc, UP-MSI, Philippines, Genetic connectivity of manta rays in the Philippines, 2020
Mila Yong, MSc, University of Basel, Switzerland, Microplastics in fecal samples of whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) and surface water in the Coral Triangle, 2020
Christine Barry, BSc, Flinders University, Australia, Energetics of provisioned whale sharks in Oslob, Philippines, 2020
Marta Flotats Aviles, MSc, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, Marine turtle feeding ecology in Panglao, Bohol, Philippines, 2020
Rhys John Cornish, Minor, James Cook University, Australia, Spatial and temporal catch data: informing conservation of manta and devil rays in the Bohol Sea, 2017
Mary Anne Cutai, BSc, Western Philippines University, Philippines, Spraint analysis of Asian Small-clawed Otter in Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, 2017
Mona Norbisrath, MSc, Hamburg University, Germany, Mobulid fishery assessment in the Bohol Sea: a case study of Jagna, 2017
J M Enad, G S Llamis & G N Noval, BA, University of San Carlos, Philippines, A proposed advocacy campagin for LAMAVE's sea turtle project in Panglao, Bohol, 2016
JC Colina, S Empenio & MJ Ybas, BA University of San Carlos, Philippines, BA, A proposed advocacy campagin for LAMAVE's shark and ray conservation projects, 2016
Abraham Cera, BSc, UP-Visayas, Tacloban, Philippines, Comparison of zooplankton community composition between whale shark feeding grounds in Oslob & Sogod Bay, 2015
Paul Matthew Moncada, BSc, UP-Visayas, Tacloban, Philippines, Surface zooplankton composition of whale shark feeding grounds in Sogod Bay, 2015
Alison L. Freeman, MRes, Swansea University, UK, Mobulidae fishery in Bohol, Philippines: an assessement of its sustainability, 2014
Kim Jaloustre, MSc, Bangor University, UK, The effects of tourism and food provisioning on whale shark avoidance behaviours and wound patterns in Oslob (Philippines), 2014
Peter Waddington, BSc, University of Plymouth, UK, Behavioural response of whale sharks Rhincodon typus, to provisioning in the Philippines, 2014
M Botechal & J Tabasa, BA, University of San Carlos, Philippines, A proposed cetacean and whale shark research center in Cebu, 2013
Leah N T Tanzo, BSc, MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology, Philippines, Diet composition of the whale shark Rhincodon typus in Oslob, Cebu, Philippines, 2013
Leneressa F M Digamo, BSc, MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology, Philippines, Manual Feeding activity of whale sharks Rhincodon typus in Oslob, Cebu, Philippines, 2013
Students conducting collaborative research:
Elitza Germanov
Microplastics and megafauna
Degree: Ph.D.
University: Murdoch University, Australia
Species: Filter-feeding
Year: 2019
Alex Watts
Whale shark genetics
Degree: Ph.D
University: Manchester Metropolitan UK
Species: whale sharks
Year: 2021
Jane Hosegood
Phylogenomics and species delimitation of mobulid rays reveals cryptic diversity and a new species of manta ray
Degree: Ph.D.
University: Bangor University, UK
Species: Mobulid Rays
Year: 2018