We host two different types of expedition:
Expedition Shark
A research expedition organised by LAMAVE whereby a few individuals can join a full research team and contribute to conservation efforts at remote research sites. These trips offer hands-on experience as you actively join our research team.
Partner Trips
Special trips where LAMAVE collaborate with a liveaboard company. The trips are hosted by the company with a member of our team on-board. These trips are exclusive itineraries focused on awareness. Guests are invited to LAMAVE presentations on-board, gaining an insight to our work and how they can actively choose to contribute to our conservation efforts during the trip.
Expedition Shark

#ExpeditionShark is LAMAVE’s exclusive research expedition to Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the last strongholds for sharks in Asia. Working with the Tubbataha Management Office, we have been studying whale sharks, tiger sharks and reef sharks in the park since 2015. On its 6th year, Expedition Shark is happening on June 5 to 15 this year, and we still have spots available for you to join!
To reserve your spot in the expedition, email z.riskin@lamave.org with the subject “Expedition Shark 6”. To get one of the places, we require a set donation that directly contributes to the research expedition.
Be the first to know about the latest expedition news by signing up to our Expedition Newsletter.
Tubbataha Reefs hosts the best diving in the Philippines - a true wonder of the coral triangle. When you join expedition shark, you join our team. You get an exclusive insight into our research and conservation work on sharks, but we also introduce you to key techniques so you can actively contribute to the research.
“I fondly remember my time at Tubbataha - the hundreds of dolphins greeting us upon our arrival, everyone clamouring like mad when the trip’s first whale shark appeared just cruising underneath our boat, the ranger station out in the middle of nowhere, the many juvenile sharks on the reefs, the dedication of the team to science or the incredible crew that fed us and kept us safe.
I was privileged to visit a truly special place on earth. You don‘t forget being on a wall dive and checking the blue and suddenly a few meters from you there’s a young curious whale shark looking right back at you.”
Partner Trips

Since 2017, we have partnered with Worldwide Dive and Sail to host a ‘Special Siren Trip’ aboard the Philippines Siren, one of the countries most iconic liveaboard boats. The 10-day trip explores seldomly visited reefs in the heart of the Visayas, Philippines. A percentage of each trip is donated to support our research and conservation efforts on marine megafauna in the Philippines.

The Visayas, which includes the Bohol Sea, is one of the richest marine biodiversity hotspots in the world. The coral reefs are bursting with marine life, fish diversity is phenomenal, and marine megafauna booms through various oceanographic and environmental conditions that brings a high diversity of cetaceans, five species of turtles, at least five species of mobulid rays, sharks, and the largest fish in the sea - the whale shark.
LAMAVE has worked in the Visayas since 2010, and with one of our team onboard, the trip will visit some of our active marine megafauna research sites in the area. You’ll gain an exclusive insight into the research and conservation work being conducted to protect endangered species. Part of the proceeds from each trip is donated to LAMAVE and supports our conservation projects in the area.
Experience True Exploration - LAMAVE Partners with the Philippine Siren
LAMAVE and the elegant Philippine Siren team up once again to bring divers right to the heart of conservation and exploration.