Join LAMAVE for Expedition Shark #4
The LAMAVE Team is looking for 2 EXPLORERS to join the next #ExpeditionShark4 - our fourth shark research expedition to Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park. This year expedition will run between the 22nd of May and the 2nd of June 2018.
The goal of this year expedition in collaboration with the Tubbataha Management Office and WWF-Philippines is to download the last year of data from 7 previously deployed acoustic receivers and continue the satellite and acoustic telemetry program on reef associated shark species and pelagic sharks. In addition to manta ray and whale shark photo-identification surveys will be conducted together with dedicated underwater visual surveys (UVS) and stereo photogrammetry to measure these giants.
Full details including minimum requirements, cost of participation and how to secure a place, are available in the Information Pack HERE.
Interested individuals should then email info [at] to secure a place after reading the information pack.
Embarkation date: 22nd of May 2018
Disembarkation date: 2nd of June 2018
Key Requirments
Minimum age 21
Minimum diving experience: Advance Open Water PADI (or equivalent) and at least 40 dives